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API Select TranZformer CMP Guitar Pedal

VCA compressor gitaar effect pedaal

TranZformer CMP

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API TranZformer CMP Compressor Pedal

API’s legendary VCA compressor, incorporated in a versatile guitar effects pedal


  • Signature API output transformer
  • Adjustable attack and release times
  • Wet/dry blend control
  • Selectable feedback/feedforward compressor styles
  • Buffered bypass

The API Select TranZformer® CMP incorporates API’s legendary VCA-type compressor circuit into a versatile and compact guitar effects pedal. Designed to easily fit into your pedal board and engineered to run off standard 9V power supplies, the CMP gives you classic studio-quality compression right at your feet. Other features include a buffered bypass in/out foot switch, adjustable attack and release times, wet/dry blend control, selectable “feedback” and “feedforward” compressor styles, transformer output, and of course the classic API sound.


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