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Cranborne Audio Carnaby 500

3-band equalizer met harmonic saturation technology en optosync feature

500 series

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Cranborne Audio Carnaby 500

Harmonic EQ

A World First

Carnaby 500 is a 3-band parametric EQ for the 500 series format with a unique and revolutionary EQ concept conceived and created by Cranborne Audio. Carnaby 500 is the world’s first Harmonic EQ™ - an analogue EQ that uses harmonic saturation to boost and cut frequency content. It enhances your sources, stems and mixes with genuine analogue harmonic saturation with the feel, familiarity, and control of an equalizer.


3-Band Parametric EQ With More

Carnaby 500 features 3 interactive bands of Harmonic EQ™ with each band having 10dB of boost/cut and its own sweepable and overlapping frequency controls. Each band of Carnaby 500 has a unique blend of harmonic content suited to its frequency band to achieve maximum musicality.

HI Band

The HI band has a frequency range from 5kHz all the way to 25kHz and uses smooth saturation to naturally extend high frequencies beyond the audio band for ultimate air and breath on vocals and acoustic instruments.

LO Band

The LO band has a frequency range of 420Hz down to 20Hz and uses hard-clipping saturation to extend sub-harmonic frequencies into the audible low-end - perfect for subtle low-end warming or extreme sub-harmonic saturation.

MID Band

The MID band is a peaking filter with a fixed Q and a wide sweepable frequency range from 200Hz up to 6.2kHz. It uses saturation to add harmonic emphasis to the source anywhere in the frequency range.

Dynamic Response

Unlike other EQs, Carnaby 500 has a dynamic response and increases in total boost/cut and harmonics as the circuits are driven harder. An Input and Output level control on each band allows for ±20dB of level adjustment, enabling you to drive Carnaby 500 harder with the input control for more saturation and distortion effects, or back it off for a cleaner EQ when needed.


Key features

  • 3-band parametric 500 Series analogue EQ with unique Harmonic EQ™ circuit for harmonically-enriched EQ effects.
  • 3-band, 500 Series Harmonic EQTM meticulously developed by the Cranborne Audio team in the UK.
  • Parametric LO and HI shelving bands with ±10dB of cut/boost and harmonic saturation.
  • Parametric peaking MID band with ±10dB of cut/boost, fixed Q and harmonic saturation.
  • LO, MID, and HI LED indicators to display saturation level.
  • ±20dB Input and Output Level for dense harmonic saturation or clean EQ effects.
  • OptoSync wireless communication between modules for linked controls during stereo operation.
  • ⅛” TRS socket for linking non-adjacent modules.
  • Circuit auto-calibration for perfect stereo matching between all modules.
  • True-bypass IN/OUT switching with complete or post input trim modes available on DIP switch.
  • Stepped, front-panel controls for quick recall and precise feel.

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