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Earthworks Audio PM 40 piano mic system

Omnidirectioneel piano microfoon systeem


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€1,96/ dag

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A better way to record piano


Elegantly Simple.

From the studio to your living room, change the way you mic your piano.

The PM40 PianoMic System is a dream come true for live sound and recording applications. It’s infinitely flexible with incredible gain before feedback and virtually no bleed.  If you’ve ever struggled miking a piano, this turn-key solution is for you. It sets up in minutes, is totally self-contained, and is completely invisible to the audience. You can even keep the lid closed.

Lightning Fast Set Up

A simple piano miking system that takes just minutes to setup and provides incredible results for live performances and studio recordings.

Infinitely Flexible

Capture sound from everywhere inside the piano and spotlight the hammers, the dampeners, or any tone you want.

Random Incidence Omnis

The heart of the PianoMic System is two omnidirectional 40kHz High Definition Microphones with a frequency response from 9Hz to 40kHz, incredible impulse response and very short diaphragm settling time. The 40kHz High Definition Microphones have been designed for random incidence pickup. When microphones are placed inside a piano they are within a sound field that has multiple sound sources: i.e. every string, the soundboard, multiple reflections of the sound from the sound board, the sides and the lid of the piano. All these sound sources and reflections produce sound waves that arrive at the microphones from all directions. This is called a diffused sound field, and the microphones are designed to perform optimally within such diffused sound field. In addition, these omni microphones have no proximity effect and the sound will remain the same (no increase or decrease in low frequency levels) no matter how close or how far the microphones are from the piano strings or sound board. This system provides exceptional sound quality with the piano lid either up or down.


  • Frequency Response: 9Hz – 40kHz
  • Polar Pattern: Omnidirectional (random incidence)
  • Sensitivity: 15mV/Pa (-36dBV/Pa)
  • Power Requirements: 24-48V Phantom, 10mA
  • Max Acoustic Input: 150dB SPL
  • Output: XLR (pin 2+)
  • Output Impedance: 65Ω balanced (between pins 2 & 3)
  • Min Output Load: 600Ω between pins 2 & 3
  • Noise: 20dB SPL equivalent (A weighted)
  • Mic Gooseneck Length: 4.75 inches
  • Dimensions: 64″ fully extended, 46″ fully collapsed
  • Weight: Mic Assembly 0.75 lb. (350g). With External Electronics Box 1.5 lb. (700g).


1 PianoMic™ Telescoping Bar with Attached Microphone Heads

1 Microphone Electronics Box

1 Leather Pouch for Electronics Box

4 Felt Pads with Adhesive Backing

1 Carrying Case


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