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Genelec 7380 A SAM? Studio Subwoofer

Smart Active subwoofer met 15" driver, 800W power amp, Laminar Spiral Enclosure en GLM kalibratie technologie (high power, high SPL & extended low-distortion LF response)


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Genelec 7380A

SAM™ Studio Subwoofer

Delivering high SPL and extended LF response, the 7380A offers power, clarity and flexibility in equal measures.

High SPL, low distortion

Providing a level of performance normally associated with much larger enclosures, the 7380A subwoofer offers both high power and high SPL, with an extended low-distortion LF response and flexible bass management options. Comprehensive connectivity ensures that the 7380A is equally at home in stereo or multichannel environments, making it perfect for music, post, film or broadcast applications that demand powerful, dependable LF reproduction in a surprisingly compact form factor.

Configure, calibrate and control

The 7380A works closely with the Genelec GLM software, which allows all monitors and subwoofers in a system to be configured, calibrated and controlled. Offering access to advanced system auto-calibration and management, GLM’s powerful room compensation features enable the 7380A to be optimised for a wide range of acoustic environments, and permits both centralised and distributed bass management modes to be employed.

Technical Specifications

  • SPL: 119 dB
  • Amplifier Power: 800 W Bass (Class D)
  • Frequency Response: 16 Hz - 100 Hz ("-6 dB")
  • Driver Dimensions: ⌀ 381 mm, 15 in Bass
  • Dimensions: H 685 x W 718 x D 492 mm
  • Weight: 69 kg / 152.1 lb
  • Connections: 7 x XLR Analog Input / 7 x XLR Analog Output / 1 x XLR Analog Input / 1 x XLR Analog Output / 1 x XLR AES/EBU Input / 1 x XLR AES/EBU Output / 2 x RJ45 Control / 1 x XLR Analog LFE Input / 1 x XLR Analog LFE Output

Key Technologies

  • Active Crossovers
  • Bass Management System
  • Intelligent Signal Sensing (ISS™) Technology
  • Laminar Spiral Enclosure (LSE™) Technology
  • Optimised Amplifiers
  • Protection Circuitry
  • Smart Active Monitoring (SAM™) and GLM™ calibration technology

GLM Calibration

Requires free GLM software and either the Genelec 9320A SAM™ Reference Controller or GLM Calibration Kit device (both sold separately) for calibration.

Optional Accessories

The Genelec 9301 facilitates 7.1 multichannel AES/EBU digital audio bass management for the 7300 Series of SAM subwoofers. Multiple subwoofers with 9301 units can be used for higher channel-count immersive playback environments requiring bass management.


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