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Tree Audio The Roots 500

Acht- of zestienkanaals buizen- en hybride opnameconsole met all tube en transformer input modules en 500-serie slots

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Tree Audio The Roots 500

8 or 16 channel tube/hybrid recording console

The Tree Audio The Roots 500 is an 8- or 16-channel tube and hybrid recording console with all tube and transformer input modules mic pre/ line input/ DI and 500 Series slots.

The Roots 500 boasts two 500 series slots per channel located above each input module offering a total of 20 or 36 modules. It also includes a stereo buss 4 group/busses and 4 aux sends as well as a meter on each channel. An 8-channel monitor section with 4 aux sends is also included offering a total of 16 channels on mixdown. It also boasts a full-featured master section. The Roots 500 also uses a fully regulated tube high-voltage linear power supply.


  • 8- or 16-channel, tube/hybrid, full-featured, recording console
  • All tube and transformer input module mic pre / line input / DI
  • Two 500 Series Slots above each input module (total 20 modules for 8 channel, total 36 modules for 16 channel)
  • Stereo buss 4 group/ busses / 4 - aux sends
  • Eight channel monitor section with 4 Aux sends (sixteen channels on mixdown)
  • Full featured master section
  • Balanced inserts on all channels and stereo buss
  • Fully regulated tube high voltage linear power supply

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