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Tree Audio The Roots Gen II

Acht- of zestienkanaals buizen- en hybride opnameconsole gebaseerd op een all-tube channel strip design, balanced inserts, four aux sends en vier 500-serie slots

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Tree Audio The Roots Gen II

Full Featured 8 and 16 channel / 2 Buss Tube Hybrid Console.

The Tree Audio Roots Gen II is an eight or sixteen-channel tube and hybrid recording console based around an all-tube channel strip design, balanced inserts, four aux sends and four 500 series slots.

The Roots Gen II has all-tube EQ and limiter, mic preamp with line-in, filter and metering. The EQ section uses a Baxandall-type curve with controls over low and high bands for quick sound shaping, while the limiter uses an optical design with a simple knob to control the amount. A three-way toggle switch engages the limiter and activates the side-chain 6dB/oct 250Hz high-pass filter.

The Mic preamp provides up to 60dB of gain and is complemented with a direct output trim. A selectable high-pass offers a choice of three frequencies: 80Hz, 125Hz and 250Hz. At the same time, an input transformer impedance selection lets you find the best impedance to match your microphone or even provide different tonalities.

At the top are four aux sends with the option to set each pair as Pre or Post (or Off). These can be sent to the 500 Series section, where a 500 series mix bus compressor or other modules can be added.

The Roots Gen II also uses a fully regulated tube linear power supply.


  • 8-channel or 16-channel, tube/hybrid, full-featured, recording console
  • All tube and transformer mic pre/line input / DI / EQ and limiter
  • 4 - aux sends / 4 - 500 series slots / full featured master section
  • Balanced inserts on all channels and stereo buss
  • Fully regulated tube linear power supply
  • Available in 16 channels with user configurable options

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