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Tree Audio The Trunk

Tweekanaals buizen/ hybride monitorconsole en stereo buss processor

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Tree Audio The Trunk

Tube/ Hybrid Stereo Buss & Monitor Section with External Power Supply

The Tree Audio The Trunk is a 2-channel tube / hybrid monitor console and stereo buss processor which can be used to warm up your 2-buss. The Trunk offers a choice of three monitor inputs with a sub input, talkback with mic XLR in, mono sum. Additional inputs include RCA phono, aux inputs and Digital. Source selection includes Stereo Buss, 2 Track 1 and 2 Track 2. Two big VU meters are included to display output level.

The Trunk is useful for engineers thanks to the possibility to use the Stereo Buss inputs to warm up your mix for better glue, but also to audiophiles who will enjoy the additional warmth that the tubes will provide in the chain.


  • Enhance and warm up your DAW or solid state analog console
  • Excellent for mastering
  • Tube Monitor controller
  • Speaker select: A, B, C and Sub. Speaker mute. Mono combine
  • Source select A: BUSS stereo, 2 Track 1, 2 Track 2
  • Source select B: Phono, Digital, Auxiliary
  • Talkback, remote talkback input
  • Custom wound input and output transformers
  • Hybrid phono input and headphone output
  • External all vacuum tube fully regulated 300 VDC power supply

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