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Tree Audio TreeQ 4 500 Series module

Eenkanaals 500-serie 4-bands parametrische equalizer

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Tree Audio TreeQ 4 500 Series module

4-band Parametric Equalizer

The Tree Audio TreeQ 4 is a single-channel 500 series 4-band parametric EQ module with an all-discrete Class A VF600 op-amp with a balanced output transformer. The TreeQ 4 boasts a differential balanced transformerless input stage. Each of the four band delivers up to +/-12dB of gain has sweepable frequencies. Frequency bands and attenuators bother have 41, ensuring precise settings and easy recall while bandwidth and frequencies share concentric knobs. The illuminated EQ in push button lets you switch the equalizer in or out.


  • High Band - sweepable from 1.2KHz to 25KHz with peak/shelf select switch
  • Mid High Band - sweepable from 300Hz to 7KHz
  • Mid Lo Band - sweepable from 80Hz to 1.6Hz
  • Lo Band - sweepable from 20Hz to 300Hz with a peak/shelf select switch
  • +/- 12dB cut & boost level for all 4 bands
  • Adjustable bandwidth control for all 4 frequencies .20 to 2.0 per octave
  • 41 detents on all frequency and level attenuators (recallable)
  • 31 detents on all band width attenuators (recallable)
  • Dual concentric knobs for frequency and bandwidth controls
  • Lighted push button EQ in/out switch
  • VF600 All Discrete Amp Blocks
  • Differential balanced transformerless input
  • Balanced output transformer
  • Fits standard 500 Series slot configuration mechanically and electrically


  • Input Impedance: >20K ohms balance
  • Output Impedance: 600 ohms balance
  • Frequency Response: +/- 0.5dB @ 20Hz to 20KHz
  • Output Signal to Noise: -95dB or greater
  • THD + Noise: .01% @ 1KHz/+4dBu


See also the other Tree Audio 500 series modules:

Tree Audio BAX EQ 500 Series module
Tree Audio Tree Comp 500 Series module
Tree Audio Tree Pre 500 Series module
Tree Audio TreeQ 2 500 Series module


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