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Trident Audio Developments 80B 500 Equalizer

500-serie vierbands EQ met sweepable mid bands

500 Series 80B-EQ

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Trident Audio Developments 80B 500 Equalizer


The Series 80B 500 Series EQ incorporates a classic four band equaliser which is identical to that employed in the Trident Series 80 console. It consists of frequency switchable high and low pass shelving sections, coupled with two swept low and high mid range bands and a switchable 50Hz, 12dB per octave filter. Both swept midranges have been carefully chosen for maximum effect on music programme and a good degree of overlap is provided.

Download the 500 Series 80B EQ manual here.


  • Four Band Eq
  • Sweepable Mid Bands
  • Lo Freq can be switched between 60 and 120Hz
  • Hi Freq switchable between 8 and 12KHz
  • Lo Mid sweepable from 100 to 1.5KHz
  • Hi Mid sweepable from 1 to 15KHz
  • 50Hz Hi Pass Switch
  • Peak Overload LED
  • Bypass Switch

The Series 80B-500EQ is derived from the legendary Series 80B Consoles designed by Trident Audio Developments in the late 1970’s. It incorporates an exact replica of the equalizer design that gave the original console its unique sound. These consoles have been used to record just about every major artist in the past three decades, including Elton John, Dire Straits, David Bowie, Rod Stewart and Stevie Wonder to name but a few. More recently they have been used to record artists such as Radiohead and Pavarotti.

The Trident Audio Developments Series 80B-500EQ unit brings with it a historic pedigree and is offered at a price that is now affordable to all studios and home recordists.

The sound and the circuitry of the consoles used to record countless hit records.

In the late ’70s Trident Audio developed a new series of recording consoles to update Trident’s sound for a new generation of musical talent. The result was the Trident Series 80, the sound of which quickly became a favorite among the top artists. The Series 80B doesn’t just capture the sound of these legendary consoles, it is the exact same painstakingly re-created circuitry.

The Series 80B iconic 4-band equalizer lets you tune your sound to perfection.

The Series 80B-500EQ is one of Trident’s most sought after 4-band equalizers. Loaded with frequency-switchable high and low shelving sections, as well as sweepable low-mid and high-mid bands and a switchable 50Hz, 12dB per octave filter, the Series 80B gives you an exceptional degree of control over your sound. The Series 80B’s highly resonant Q peaks are particularly favored by many top engineers for tuning instrument tones.


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