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Trident Audio Developments Hi-Lo 500 Tracking Filters

500-serie lowpass/highpass filter met dynamische tracking

500 Series Hi-Lo Filters

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Trident Audio Developments Hi-Lo 500 Tracking Filters

Hi-Lo Dynamic Filtering.

The Trident Hi-Lo is not just a filter. Trident Audio has created an analog adaptive filtering circuit for the 500 Series format.

The Hi-Lo 500 is an adaptive Hi-Cut/Lo-Cut frequency filtering module that responds dynamically to program material, providing a high degree of control and signal enhancement, unavailable in any modern-day 500 series package. Compatible with any approved 500 Series chassis, the Hi-Lo 500 also offers special functionality when installed in the API Radial Workhorse rack, courtesy of an onboard jumper that routs signals directly to the Workhorse mix bus. This can be combined with the Hi-Lo 500’s stereo link switch and a second Hi-Lo module to enable stereo deployment and linked stereo tracking. By actuating the Track Signal switches on both Hi-Lo modules and setting the Frequency controls identically, the left and right signals will be summed and automatic tracking will follow both the left and right signal sources.


  • Dynamic Tracking
  • Hi-Cut FREQUENCY control from 75Hz to 24kHz
  • Lo-Cut FREQUENCY control from 15Hz to 16kHz
  • Selectable SLOPE between 12 and 24dB
  • 36dB and 48dB Slopes using 2 units wired in series
  • Hi-Cut variable RESONANCE control up to +12dB
  • Lo-Cut variable RESONANCE control up to +12dB
  • Selectable Hi-Cut dynamic noise reduction tracking
  • Selectable Lo-Cut dynamic noise reduction tracking
  • Hi-Cut PEAKING indicator
  • Output level PEAKING indicator
  • Option for SERIES LINKING Hi-Lo modules
  • Option for STEREO LINKING Hi-Lo modules

Download the Hi-Lo Dynamic Filtering User Manual here.

The Hi-Cut filter

The Hi-Cut is a sweepable low pass filter with unity gain in the selected passband and a selectable (12dB per octave or 24dB per octave) roll-off outside the passband. The cutoff frequency can be set from 75Hz to 24kHz. In addition, a RESONANCE control can be switched into circuit, to introduce a resonant peak at the selected cutoff frequency. The size of this peak, which is dependant on the elected frequency selected on the front panel, can be varied from zero to approximately +12dB. At maximum setting, RESONANCE stops just short of self-oscillation. A HI-CUT ENABLE switch allows each individual frequency band or filter to be assessed, while a red PEAK warning indicator will illuminate at approximately +16dBu, approximately 12dBu below clipping. To allow adequate headroom, avoid boosting the signal by more than an amount which just causes this LED to flash on occasional peaks.

The Lo-Cut filter

The Lo-Cut is a sweepable high pass filter with unity gain in the selected passband and selectable (12dB per octave or 24dB per octave) roll-off outside of the passband. The cutoff frequency can be set manually, anywhere from 15Hz to 16kHz. In addition, a RESONANCE control can be switched into the circuit, to introduce a resonant peak at the selected cutoff frequency. The size of this peak, which is dependant on the elected frequency selected on the front panel, can be varied from zero to approximately +12dB. At maximum setting, RESONANCE stops just short of self-oscillation. A LOW-CUT ENABLE switch allows each individual frequency band or filter to be assessed, while a red PEAK warning indicator will illuminate at approximately +16dBu, approximately 12dBu below clip-ping. To allow adequate headroom, avoid boosting the signal by more than an amount which just causes this LED to flash on occasional peaks.


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